Progress Blog – Completed

We finished editing our video on Tuesday. We added titles and effects and made sure that everything was organized. As a result of having to change our idea last minute due to losing a group member and access to certain important props, we also had to re-do our blogs. We first edited the planning powerpoints as those would take the longest. We then edited the conventions blogs. Overall, I am very proud of how our project turned out given the circumstances. Despite having to re-film everything and change our idea completely, I think our project turned out very well.

Progress Blog- Editing

My group members and I have already completed preparation and filming for our film opening. As we all just got back from spring break, we are now ready to edit. In class tomorrow we plan to record the voiceovers that we will edit over the clips. This should be easy and quick as we already have the script planned out. We also plan to get a majority, if not all, of our editing done tomorrow in class. Tomorrow’s class will be our last full one before the project is due and we plan to utilize it to it’s full extent. As a result of us having to change our idea last minute, we will also have to edit all of our old blogs in order to compensate for our new idea. If time allows it, we will also do this tomorrow. However, if not, we may also use the half day on Thursday in order to complete them.

Progress Blog- Filming

Last Tuesday, my group mates and I filmed for our film opening. We spent the entire afternoon filming in order to have ample time to edit and review our clips during and after spring break. Filming was smooth, despite having to change our idea completely. We spent the class prior to filming drawing out our new storyboard, complete with camera angles and shots. This made filming incredibly easier, as we also had our lines memorized beforehand. As we were planning out our new idea, we also edited some of our past blogs and powerpoints in order to match our new idea. This wasn’t such a grueling task as our genre did not change. We have spent the past few days discussing how we’d like to edit our film opening, complete with sound and graphic edits.

Progress Blog- Change of Plans

After facing conflicts with our group and ability to follow through with our original idea, we’ve decided to change our idea. We spent this past Sunday filming for our original idea, though our plot is not strong and we would rather turn in a project we are proud of. We already have our new idea, and we will spent tomorrow’s class writing a new script complete with camera angles and shots. We will spend the afternoon filming, and then spend the remaining time before the project is due editing. We are aware that we will need to edit our past blogs, and have put aside time to do so.

Progress Blog- Conflicts

Over the past few days our group has been dealing with a problem. We have had to determine the best decision in order to effectively complete our project. Originally we planned to film using a group members boat, though we are no longer able to use it. We thought about using a friends boat, though it’s engine failed and we cannot take it out past the canal. We recently asked if we could borrow a different boat from a family friend, and plan on filming using it this Sunday.

Progress Blog-Preparing

Over the past few days, I have looked over our planning powerpoint multiple times. I have rehearsed my lines in order to ensure I am prepared for when we film on Sunday, March 24th. We hope this will ensure that filming will be smooth and easy with little to no mistakes. We also need to ensure that we have all of our props and costumes prepared. We also need to fill up the boat’s gas tank in order to make sure we are as safe as possible during filming. We need to make sure that the weather will be fine as soon as possible, and make sure that our parents are all aware of our plans to film.

Progress Blog- Scheduling

My group and I have decided to film on March 16th from the morning till the afternoon. This is the next possible date we can all film on, and we’d like to film as soon as possible. We believe that filming should not take us over a day as we have planned out our script second by second and are aware of how much content we need to film. If we do end up needing to film more, we can always arrange for that. We’d would ultimately like to be done with filming before spring break, as we all have plans. This would also give us a competent amount of time to edit and finalize our film opening.

Progress Blog-The Beginning

My classmates and I have continuously discussed the dates during which we will meet to film our film openings. We have updated our schedules and marked our calendars with the dates we need to have reserved for filming. We have individually thought of new ideas that would improve our opening. We have also discussed these ideas as a group and expanded upon them. We hope to start filming within the next weeks week in order to make sure everything gets done in great conditions.